Monday, July 15, 2013

Work & Play

Hey Y'all,

This past week I've stayed at my mother in laws after having a
pinched nerve. There have been times where I can barely stay 
awake due to the pain. Standing is not much of an option. With 
this pain, I feel rather useless or a bad mother. Luckily I have 
help and I am trying to keep positive. My husband is taking me
to the chiropractor today, let us pray that it helps!

Ember has been having fun with blowing bubbles and playing
with "games" such as Connect 4 and Operation. Even though
she is only two years old, I am impressed! I can't wait to teach
her how to play the games. 

As for my little man - he is pulling up and trying to walk
away from the couch only to fall on his bottom. It's so cute. 

While being down, I am working on templates to add to
the ETSY site. I am hoping to pick up work through 
llustrations or paintings to pay for college. 

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