Wednesday, July 10, 2013



I've had trouble thinking of a way to word this. I have gained roughly ten pounds in the last two months. (GASP!) I was doing so good loosing weight after my son and dreaming a beautiful bathing suit for this summer. Now I'm changing the bathing suit to a maternity one. WHAT?! I know..
It's undeniable that I have morning sickness and a "tumor" growing in my tummy.

Rephrase: Not a tumor, but I am pregnant. Tests were showing negative for a month  or more. Even after a blood test I finally had an ultrasound. I have yet visit the OBGYN. I have an appointment next week. I got a phone call from a nurse less than an hour after the ultrasound with the results that I was indeed pregnant. Also, I needed more blood-work done because it may or may not be ectopic. When calling to make the appointment for the OBGYN, I was told to say that it was about a cyst. Apparently the cyst on my right ovary has gotten larger. We are leaving everything in God's Hands. 

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