Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Custom Logo for Images by MJ

Hey Y'all,

      Looks like my husband is going on Christmas vacation/lay-off early. I wonder how much of Cabin Fever he will get? He started his own blog about being a full-time working father and his adventure running and cooking so he will be pretty busy with that. Check it out by clicking HERE!

I hope to get a lot accomplished in the next few weeks along with spending family time underneith our Christmas tree. Pictures to come soon.

The main reason for post is to share with you a Custom Logo I did for Images by MJ. It was awesome working with her. She is such a sweet gal. She wanted something new, cute, artsy-fartsy, and of course something that represented her. First, we started with three concepts to choose from.
It was so much fun creating these fun Photography and Painting logos! 

She chose B. and customized the colors to: Gray and Teal, Gray and Purple, or Teal and Purple. 

 Final Revision: Gray and Teal

I created a matching mini set that includes Business Cards, Letterhead, Envelopes, and custom Logo.

Listing on Etsy click HERE!  


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