Friday, January 17, 2014

Let's Connect!

Hey Y'all!

          Today, I decided to search for more Etsy shops created out of Columbia, KY. I really would like to connect with more people in the area. I did not "grow up" in a small town. I moved a lot. I have lived in several small towns. Sadly due to the many different towns I have never felt "at home" anywhere. If I do have one, it is in Salem, KY. I have an adopted Grandma there. I regret to say I do not stay in touch with her like I need to. Anyway, Etsy has a new feature that allows local businesses to find each other. I found 8! I am sure there are more, but did not show up in the search results. (My products didn't show up.)
1. Ollie + Jays  
2. FoodieBords
3. Personalized Accents
4. AJR Woodworks
5. MCoomerPlushiesnMore
6. MyCollegeCrafting
7. Sallietations
8. Mechanicality

           If you would like to get connected I'd love to get to know more about this beautiful small county of Adair! Add me on Facebook or Follow me on Twitter! My husband and I are very happy where we are. We want to raise our children here and have a place to call "HOME."

Take Care,

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